Sunday, January 13, 2008


We had the opportunity this weekend to spend time with both of our families. We had my family over for dinner and games on Saturday. We haven't done it in a while and I had almost forgotten how much fun it can be. We also had the opportunity to go to Ryan's parents house today and have dinner and family home evening. It was a lot of fun to see everyone.

Thinking about our families just make me feel so much gratitude for how lucky we are to have them. The are all such wonderful people that play such a big role in our lives. The care so much about us and about making sure that we are doing well.

When our family reads this I just want them to know how much I love each and everyone of them. My life would not be complete or nearly as fun without you.

(I would like to note that I was going to show Ryan how to post pictures, but since he wanted to post one of me I decided against it.)

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