Friday, August 24, 2012

6 Months

Yesterday my sweet baby girl turned 6 months old!

Some updates on Elsie:
She is sitting up like a champ
She babbles all the time
Her favorite thing to do besides eat is to watch Wilson do anything
She eats baby cereal and LOVES it!
Her eyes follow all food anyone is eating in hopes to get a taste
Her feet are her best friends
She lights up when her daddy enters any room
Still doesn't feel great most of the time, but is still so sweet

Nick names: Else (most of the time), Ossie, Elsiebell (by her Papa)
One day I was talking to Ryan about how well she responds to her name. We decided to try it out by call her Jeeves (our cats name) and sure enough she responded to that too. Guess we will keep working on it!

Even though she has been with us such a short time it feels like she was here all the time!

Love you baby!

Current stats:
Height 25 3/4 inches  25th percentile
Weight 14 pounds 14 ounces   30th percentile

1 comment:

Trent and Whit said...

She is darling! I can't believe I haven't met her yet :(